IMA EV-TECH, the new business unit dedicated to innovation in assembly technologies for electric vehicles, is ready to welcome you at Hy-fcell 2025, which will be held in Stuttgart, Germany, on October 7th to 8th. The conference offers a unique opportunity to discover the latest industry innovations and trends for clean energy production and to discuss technologies and solutions for low-carbon hydrogen production, efficient storage and transport. Make sure to stop by our Booth: our specialists will introduce you to our fuel cell's solutions!
IMA EV-TECH in the Fuel Cell sector
The creation of the new EV-TECH business unit, entirely dedicated to electric vehicle (EV) technologies, represents a significant step forward in the IMA Group's strategy to consolidate and enhance its presence in this sector.
IMA EV-TECH, powered by IMA AUTOMATION, started working with Fuel Cells back in 2005 when a high volume turn-key production line was installed for a Portable Fuel Cell. Several years later the hub started working on a Stationary Fuel Cell and today we are collaborating with companies for the Vehicle Fuel Cells.
IMA EV-TECH can offer a wide range of technical solutions in the Hydrogen Fuel Cells assembly sector: from the Proof of Principle testing, prototype assembly, low and high volume, up to complete turn-key assembly lines. All processes, including testing as used within the Fuel Cells Stacks, and materials, such as Polymer Electrolyte Membrane, Alkaline, Phosphoric Acid, Molten Carbonate and Solid Oxide, are part of our range of solutions.