IMA Sustain Ability is the evolution of IMA’s commitment to Sustainable Development, born many years ago with the annual publication of a sustainability report. It includes all practices already in place, plus those we are currently implementing, and has both the ultimate goal of minimising environmental impact in industrial manufacturing, and of promoting and creating a working and living habitat that alwaysputs people and biodiversity at the centre.
Economic results and social benefits are complementary objectives through which we have always generated value for our company, customers, employees, suppliers and for the entire community.
We know that, to proceed on our growth path, it is necessary to redirect our mentality towards newer and greater goals.
At this point in history, we must do it not only for our business but mostly for the environment and for the society we live and operate in.
Starting from innovation, IMA Sustain Ability is our latest commitment towards creating products, production processes and services, benefitting from a renewed logic of sustainability and from the awareness that our efforts today will help to shape the world of tomorrow.